Carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies

Carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies

carbon capture, transportation and storage technologies, oil displacement, water displacement and storage technologies, chemicals, polymers and fuels; Carbon and storage technology, demonstration project.

Industrial energy saving and carbon reduction

Industrial energy saving and carbon reduction

A: industrial re-electrification technology: energy-saving technologies and equipment for energy-saving boilers, industrial kilns and heating networks, energy-saving motors and automation control system technologies and equipment, air compressors, high-efficiency transformers, fans, high-efficiency compressors and pumps, high-efficiency internal combustion engines, heat exchange vessels, heat pumps, energy-saving heat exchange and other heat treatment technologies and equipment, and energy-saving transformation of process industries; Energy efficiency technology;

Preparation and utilization of hydrogen energy

Preparation and utilization of hydrogen energy

hydrogen production technology and equipment, residual hydrogen supply enterprises, hydrogen/methanol storage technology and equipment, hydrogen refueling station complete sets of equipment: hydrogen fuel vehicles and other vehicles, fuel cell and power station technology, fuel cell fixed application, etc.

Advanced biomass fuel technologies

Advanced biomass fuel technologies

Advanced biomass fuel technologies include cellulosic ethanol technology, technology of converting bioethanol into bio-petroleum products, alcohol-based fuel technology and equipment; microalgae fuel technology, absorbing carbon dioxide to synthesize ethanol with biophotosynthesis, diesel or other high-carbon alcohol technology, hydrogen, CO2 production of biofuels and high-value chemical technology, bio-refining technology and equipment, biomass power generation technology, biomass energy products, bio-based chemicals, instruments and equipment, biomass (particle) gasification and combustion boilers, etc.

Carbon and greenhouse gas monitoring technology

Carbon and greenhouse gas monitoring technology

carbon emission monitoring, eva1uation and reporting system, monitoring instruments and equipment; Greenhouse gas emission data information system, greenhouse gas satellite remote sensing monitoring and application technology, gas monitoring, particulate matter monitoring, satellite remote sensing monitoring technology, Earth observation technology, etc.

Carbon neutral service

Carbon neutral service

carbon neutral services; Carbon certification, carbon emission services, CDM project development and consultation, etc.